Wednesday, July 16, 2014

After 8, it's never too late.

I've been struggling what to write next, when Holy Spirit gives u a purpose it is much easier to write under his supervision. I was so worried that I might forgot that day that I scrubbed it down on piece of paper. Well on Thursday 24th July has been an interesting 'day off', originally excited about visiting place called Hartford. Knowledgable place of museums such as Mark Twain's house, science museum which I never got to see any (time ran out).

When I got there, the place was seemly rough, out of place. Saw first police car chase which was unusual. Town was eerily quiet, not as busy, Hartford is capital city of Connecticut. I thought to myself, it's fine, we gonna see some great stuff. I'm gonna meet some deaf people at bowling later on that night, go with the flow or so I thought. Where's taxi?! It isn't like NYC, the only cabs I saw was at the station outside parking lots. 

Gold plate windows in Hartford. 

Hair dressers guy chatting, found out he's italian.

The outcomes
As I learnt that when things don't planned out well, re wanting to see Mark Twain museum but it was too far with no cabs in sight, when things don't go your ways, you learnt so much from it and how to do better next time. But this makes me think instead of that what ifs just really appreciate for all the things have work. The smallest things really make the big picture. Like I'm so thanksful I have 'feel at home' data roaming so I can FaceTime my friends and family anywhere and anytime without causing extra worrying aboard. GPS to get to places I need for example haircut, working out distance to museums and places and that made me really appreciate the small things in life. 

Appreciating all small things
With the Facebook social media going on about 3 things that you are grateful for, it's great! It had been nagging on my mind for the last few weeks, perhaps God wanted me to appreciate the small things, small changes I am making and not worry the big picture. Sometimes, when small things happens, it turns out to be the big picture. This is something God telling me to lean onto him and trust him.

3 things to be grateful on that day off

I'm so grateful for strangers talking to me today for example, man working on track at the train station helping me out the journey after driver dropped me off at wrong desination point. A guy at mini walmart chatting where my 'accent' came from, when I question about costing (forgot they added tax here!) Other thing is chatting to my parents via mobile and friends back home via FaceTime. Thanks goodness for 3 network, feel at home data roaming.
My friends willness to take time out to chat and see what's happening out there in USA. 

On that day, it's hard to explain but I guess I was awaiting for something big to happen, what I meant by that was wanted to meet up with deaf people in that area, see Mark Twain exhibition which I was disappointed I couldn't get to see. You learn yourself through that, rather than dwelling what if, it makes you grateful for all the things you have, this and made me think but God never leave you and today He made me appreciate small things and not look at bigger picture.

It may not be an interesting theory to you but when small things matter, it really matters the most. When things doesn't go to plans, trust The Lord with all your mind, heart, strength and soul even when you can't even see the outcome out of this. So after thinking about that all day, fast approaching evening to catch my train at 8pm, the day was going seemly okay I felt this urge to chat to this girl on platform (this isn't something I do FYI).

Girl on the platform

I have no idea why I'm here in that place, maybe it was the very last thing on that day that God wanted me to pray, talk to that girl who was so opened and willing to share to me about her father, it was last time she saw him when she was 5. I also learnt that God can do the unexpected when you least expect it.

After friendly chats as I found out why she was at Hartford, she finished her science exams this morning and heading back to New Haven, on same train as me (she is studying medicine and doing extra studying like study camp over the holidays as she love studying) so we was having general conversation, chilling, chatting about general life, culture differences between us, achievements etc. I also mentioned that Im Christian, involved helping out in church and studied Thelogy at Bible College hence reason why I moved to Ireland from England. She's in her 20, goes to Yale University and explaining the long process, stages in order to getting qualified, which she won't grad after medical school in her early 30s. (FYI medical friends, med school here are costing $300,000 for the whole thing). It's no surprise that is long hard road up ahead in doctor's field as I know few friends are still ongoing and as well graduated. Then we moved on the subject on 'siblings' she have 1 brother, whom she get on superbly well with, her mother is Italian, she worked over Florence in Italy last summer as part of her medical placement. Her father separated when she was 5 but haven't seen him since, it was a messy divorce, control by alcohol additions and still is to that very day. Wow, she really had opened it up. She explains she doesn't drink even when she turns 21 in next couple months (drinking law is 21 in USA oppose to 18 in UK) because of that, which was understandable but is this normal conversation you get with people you only just met?! I don't know, but surely Gods works was there enough for her to open up her past. I said, I would pray for her father for God to work in him and that merely is the addition is controlling him but praying God to work in him. She said she prayed for him sometimes but even if he was healed from alcohol addition it would be a weird as she haven't seen him whilst growing up, which it is a sad story. She, however on positive note, was proud to say she is first in her family to attend College (University) and especially not any university but she is in one of the top ten University in the world. She's lovely girl and sounded like she was very well brought up in NYC by her mother alone.

These things are small things I appreciate, the time out to chat. The last one was a blessing (encouraging for me to chat a stranger). It has really change my day quickly and that God uses me to reach out to her. I'm so thankful for that.

A good hour we have been chatting to the stranger (I won't mention her name), I'm sure the girl and myself will remembered this conversation for a long time, and over that. I'll be praying for her for Jesus' love flowinly over her and may she get to know Him personally in the future or seeing Gods work in the doctoring field, healing, miracle. God's plan, his plan, seeds planted, out of my control. In his will, his kingdom come. I'll pray for her father to overcome the alcohol addition and her studying towards doctoring for next 10 years. 

The missed train and the unexpected

So I'm writing this blog, as train got delayed missing my other train so having to wait another hour on New Haven platform, I finally arrived at my station at 11pm at night. Having waiting for 'pick up' from my work, camp for at least 40 mins, I eventually gave up waiting and told them I'll hail cab instead. I had this strange urge to run to the camp rather than getting a lift (stupid I know, in pitch dark, in a strange countryside not knowing area well). And not only that, it's also 7.9 miles long (further I ran was only 6 miles) thought to myself yeah, I have enough time to get in before curfew at 00:30. There wasn't any taxi ranks at the station anyway so it was a good enough reason for me to run. I looked at my mobile to bring up GPS, but realised I was low on juice...10% remaining battery power left (probably I shouldn't have written the above blog but I couldn't contains my excitement). GPS is on, I started running, avoiding the highways, racing against time, I took the longer way round on the street, surburbs in pitch dark, praying for God to stray this battery life a little bit longer. I believe that he would look after me. I got to roughly a mile and half, I was sweating loads in my Adidas wife beater top, it was humid at this time of the night. I came across and saw 4 police cars outside Walmart car park where I regularly shopped with other staff at camp. Thought myself this is great, at least I know this area. Time was getting on and I realised only had 4% left, wow it's going faster than I thought. I thought myself, need to be wise here, best if I picture the map in my head, seeing there's 5 miles straight on the  bendy road, working out that if I run for at least 5 miles on straight and narrow then double check so I can preserve the battery life little longer till I become really unstuck. I quickly turn off my mobile and as I continue running, then reaching to another crisscross road, I was sure I wasn't meant to be running towards there as I didn't recognise the name but I continued running for another half a mile but I had this funny feeling while running so I switched battery on, and to my horror, 'battery needs to be charge' noooooo! This is when I quickly ask God send the Holy Spirit down to lead me on the right path. I felt straight away my head was tingerly, it was powerful, I felt sense of peace, overflow joy as I felt HS was laying on my shoulder, it's hard to explain but feels like hairs standing on back but it was on my head for as least a good 10 mins, thinking to myself, oh wow it's gonna be such a story to tell on here, thinking that HS will direct me home. I was feeling HS was trying direct me back to road where I was thought I made wrong turn but I continue to ignore it thinking it can't be, in a few minutes I ran towards dead end, it was pitch dark, approaching 12. How wrong was I, so I though, best to gently jog back to Walmart which was half mile away, where police cars were and could sweetly talk to the police officers to call for taxi instead. When I arrived, police cars was gone, searching around most of the shops were shut but saw bright luminous Dunking Doughnut opposite, opening 24/7, so I popped in and asked if they could called the taxi for me, the guy was happy and willing. After trying to get through on the phone, he explains they weren't picking up the phone and there is no taxi around at this time of the night meaning I had no other way of contacting others as they were in bed, curfew was fast closing in at 00:30. Surely, they would have noticed I'm not back? The guy got off the phone and said he couldn't get through, but finishing his shift soon and will ask his dad to dropped me back camp soon. I was so blessed than stranger would do that. I really was chuffed to bit. Sat down, brought drink, started charging my phone and for good 15 mins we began chatting, I somehow felt I could talk to him anything. He is 32, struggling to hold down a job hence working at Dunkin, he actually from Hartford where I just went today so we had something in common. The job situation was something I could understand, I asked him quite bluntly, do you believe there's a God? He quickly says he is an atheist, doesn't believe in God. I said I understand your point of view as I went on explaining that world we live in, we are all blind to see him because of this, as the verse below explains.

Roman 3:23: For we all sinned, we all fall short of his glory. 

Then he was explaining about his mum is devoted Christian goes to church every day, from the past, she has bad  upbringing, rough background and got involved all sort of stuff, she was lost but found God but he dislike the idea of attending church regularly as it feels like it's a chore. I explain to him that being with fellowship, friends is amazing. The love, connecting, community, building up one and another. God can work in that, unless he experiences His love, he will fully understand Him. His mum would known the differences gaining peace through hard times, joy and happiness which she cannot get from this world. She found that special thing, no more searching, she found that special gift and for that he can have it instantly. With regarding to church, let put it that way if he for example wanted to become an elite swimmer, he need to trained with team mates to help him to achieve to that professional standards rather alone, that's what it's like at church with fellowships. I explained that you don't have to have be bad to find God, then I explained my testimony, I realised how much telling your testimony is a powerful tool to use, I told him that my life was good before I met Jesus and didn't need Jesus in my life but then I realised now that having Him have made it thousands if not millions times better. I can't explain His radical love for me, it has to be experienced for you to understand. I suggested to him he should read Christian book and let him decide himself whether God is real or not, the one I recommended him If God, then what? By Andrew Wilson. He was so interested by the story that I spoken. He quickly got piece of paper and pen from counter, and start writing it down. I'm sure Holy Spirit was moving him, words was flowing out of my mouth.

I also recommended him to go Alpha course, this is questions about life for anyone who doesn't believe in God. That's moment when his father arrived so our conversation got interrupted. Later on, he did however asks for my number in the car afterward as I wasn't expected that but glad he asked. We, short while later also got pulled over by police. I managed to get picture below for you. I finally arrived at camp at half 1 in the morning and no one even noticed that I was missing. Hopefully I'll be popping by up with the guy, Patrick soon as we regularly go to Walmart, so will pop in for Iced coffee. I would like to buy him a book as a thank you gift (they, both refuses money for the lift). I really pray for Patrick, that God to move in his life, direct him to the right way. Just wow, God being there with me, directing me along the path to him. How wonderful that Patrick thought of that idea to offer a stranger a lift, I shall cherish his kindness to me and he will be blessed by my heavenly father. 

Matthew: 10:42 And if anyone gives even a cup of cold water to one of these little ones who is my disciple, truly I tell you, that person will certainly not lose their reward.

Although the plan didn't go to plan, did I regret it?! No, I looked too hard at the bigger picture and totally missed out seeing the smaller things that happen today. I was entirely grateful that them and myself was there at that time. I will probably never see them again but today has really challenges me my thinking and appreciate the smallest things in life. God is funny, he knows me too well. I have talked and share the gospels with people who never been connected with Jesus. You gotta stay bold and expects the unexpected. 

Dunkin doughnut at midnight, a rare feast me drinking a cold one this time of the night.

Pulled up by police after 1am

I work really hard at trying to see the big picture and not getting stuck in ego. I believe we're all put this planet for a purpose, and we all have different purpose... When you connect with that love and that compassion, that's when everything unfolds.

Ellen DeGeneres

Please answer below for good recommendation book to read for people seeking about God, answer on the comments below! 

Saturday, July 12, 2014

Prayers answered

Now you can see the point, I had nowhere else to turn but ask God to help me out and supply His love to me. I was reading this book called "Your kingdom come" unlocking the miraculous through faith and prayer, reading power of prayer and spending time with God.

'My famous thumb' 

Reading chapter that mentions about 'prayer that brings heaven to earth'. Then it explains this which stands out for me. 

God sees absolutely everything...He also looks deep within the heart of individual. 

Then it came to my realisation that I've been praying half hearted at times, quick 5 mins read then bed. This is when moment I take a stand, make time and room to pray and being alone with God. I went along the lake, at night time to gaze at stars along the pier for quiet time with my heavenly father, praying for people here that they will get to know his light, praying for a Christians at camp to support one another here. I remember vividly a guy told me he is a Christian where he was wearing gold cross chain on his neck, but wasn't sure what was type he was. Trusting God would provide the way as he knows everything. 

Then I read the bible - DVO app is a must for u readers (iPhone)

At that time I was reading it, then something amazing happen, this is below text I sent out to my friends back home on whatapp. 

I can't believe what happened, I was getting little frustrated with God with current situation in life and at camp. I decided to myself that I'll spend more time with God. So this evening I headed out towards the lake, by the pier at night time to pray and gaze at the stars (that then it was cloudy) And started praying for someone I could share or gospel the good news, I knew I met this boy at camp who is a Christian and wonder if he shares the same faith as me. I started reading the bible about hope anchor my soul then I felt the footsteps along the pier, torch was shining in my eyes, big black figure with 15 size feet and realised it was him, the Christian guy Brian. Wow, out of everyone he came then we chatted about Christianity, life, spreading gospels, struggles being a Christian, other religions etc. Lucky I knew the answers so Bible College and spending time with God with list of questions paid off, I knew exactly what he was saying. Thanks God and fellowships.

Praying with faith goes a long way. Ask in Jesus name and it will be done on earth. When we passionately pray the things that on His heart more than our own, God clearly love it. When we begin to passionately pray for people, and people to be saved (I have seen this happens praying for others in the past) we have every confident that heaven is beginning to move in response. The truth is clearly illustrated by Jesus in the scripture, John 14:13-14 "And whatever you ask in My name, that I will do, that the father may be glorified in the son. If you ask anything in My name, I will do it". Jesus has promised that when we pray with motivitation that His father be glorified. He will respond by doing anything that we ask Him to do. It's time to get Jesus famous and known at this camp and of course wherever we go. Wow, amazing and full of promises. God is not like us so therefore He never fail or fall short of his promises to us. 

This was 3 weeks ago now, also to mention I try regularly meet up with Brian for fellowship, we haven't had chance to meet up last week because of our busy schedule but we manage to meet up last night, that time heavy rain and thunder storm, it felt like it was going to rain during day time but nothing came, u can feel the air was tense all day, the humidly and all. At that time in the evening at 9pm myself and Brian was praying, having worship songs in the background. Brian feels a struggle with himself not trusting God enough for his future in everything, and he went on about what ifs, then that moment, talking about he doesn't have patience for God to work in his life, then the mightly thunder erupted! It was so loud! Absolutely booming! It was frightening sounds, even myself I'm deaf still consider how loud is was and it was scary, Brian felt somehow that was God way of telling him. Then that moment, it was like killing two birds in one stone, he was on his app of the day, and there it was God reminding him of something.  

Trust Lord with all your heart.

Do not lean on your own understanding- perfect verse to Brian.

That's I told him that's big man telling you up there, alas Brian was expecting the Holy Spirit will come with loud booming voice, but it doesn't, instead it's a gentle whisper. 

Although not quite sure what I think of the thunder, it was definitely loud!

God is good and his timing was perfect - sums up everything that night. 

Speak soon! Xx

The previous day, weather came lashing down with rain, completely soaked during swim teaching within 5 mins. 

Monday, July 7, 2014

Where's the love?!

Hey guys, 

How's things? Just letting you know that my friends wanted more details about a particular story that happens couple weeks ago. I'm not definitely a writer so apologies if I made any grammar errors, please don't judge me on that. I'm just stating facts and obvious what's God doing here. Im just passionate about Jesus and really want people to have that experience with Him. The never ending love, mercy and grace. 

USA swim coach and camp

Relaxing on my job EVERY DAY! :)

My lifeguard dog on patrol at waterfront. 

The day of the life at USA, swim coaching going swimmingly well here, I have to say they really goes beyond expectation here. Let me summaries this for you so you get round up on the kind ideas we have here. On camp we, lacrosse, basketball, football, swimming, water slide, arts and craft, woodwork, pottery, archery, tall ropes (go apes like adventures), trekking, farm (we have farms here, llama, donkeys etc). Canoeing, kakaying, sailing, rope swing, water ride, shame there's no wake-boarding or surfing (no waves). It's really exaggerating how much activities and specialists in their particular area and there's lot more but you get my drift. We have theme happening once a week such as Charlie and chocolate factory, cavemen night, Hawaii theme night etc. Everyone dresses up for this adventure, painting all over dining room matching themes, cup, plates so on. Overnights where each unit goes off for a night on forest with fire, cooking food. I say this again, there's no camp like this before certainly not Europe from what I've seen. America camp is place to be!

One of the many photos from event night, Charlie and chocolate factory.

This is not the reason I'm stating on this post, I must say activities, being with kids are such a blessing and it's great! What I have noticed when I arrived that I found it very difficult to fit in, I struggle to understand why it's not easy as I thought it would be. I know deaf can be a disadvantage to group conversations but I wouldn't let that get to me. I'm
confident, determined person. I found one thing that was difficult, being Christian without your fellowship was harder than I thought it was, meaning I had to rely fully on God a lot more. That made me appreciate my fellowship back in Belfast. There are roughly 150-175 staff and there aren't many Christians here from what I know now. But that wasn't only challenge, mixing with people, I found them friendly but conversation was hardly flowing at times, just lot of surface talks. I found it frustrating that there is no one generally showing love for one and another, interacting, chatting, getting involved etc. I'm not being sensitive but I just love interacting with different people from different background, nationality etc where people comes as one not groups. At times like this, it's seem everyone was the same, I couldn't find people I could really interact with for past couple weeks. But I love this quote a friend told me this: 

The greatest gift is to give time to each other. 

Totally this speaks true, I know I'm guilty for not giving enough time to people and generally sidetrack by technologies in evenings especially new gadgets ie iPhone, MacBook Pro and not interacting with my housemates, friends, parents, siblings and so on. It's incredibly distracting and anti-socialable, here at camp, mostly of them whisk out their mobiles in front of everyone and not interacting, or making time to chat. I was thinking if this was 20 years ago (camp was founded 1886) I'm sure the staff has more fun than us playing board games, interacting one another but nowadays the society is taken over by mobiles, tablet, apps, gaming, mobile apps particularly one of the app is well known subject on talks in common room. It's dating app called 'Tinder' that find people locally and already a guy from camp here hooked up with one of the girl locally here in the USA through that, who happens to be mutual friend with a staff. How awkward.

So you get my drift, being with fellowship and enjoying other people's company is amazing. It's shame to see how society is going. Although I feel people here needs know God's love for them and from what I have experiences God's love for me, is a huge difference between the me and them as though it's feels like I'm standing over the other side. Maybe I'm going over board a little but I think I realised that now. This made me appreciates my fellowship and friends back home.

I have been praying to God asking him to direct me to people who needs to hear the gospel, someone who also shares same faith as me and friends with people I get on well, I found that hard first in few weeks with people like that everyone needs that something, connecting with people. This is probably boring post but will explain why and what has been happening and how God answers to my prayers. 

Incarnation Camp - Journey cont...

Hey guys, 

So the 2nd week after the first was more training but focusing on child protection plus other adventures ie overnight, outings to the beach, mall (lots of Abercrombie and Fitch clothing!) and my first baseball game. The overnight stay is where we take our unit to overnight stay away from camp into the forest. This overnight for that week was for us counsellors so we know how to do it for kids plus bonding time. I found out I'm looking after 6-9 years old unit. Our unit are called 'Colony'.

We also have emergency call at waterfront called 'LBD' which stands for 'Lost Bather Drill' once the siren is heard, we would ran literally so fast wherever we are. We will stop and drop what we are doing and run to waterfront whatever clothes we had on and jump in. The campus on camp is fairly close so running would take 5 mins to reach desination point. We are trained in different area, turtles are shallow ends, dolphins fairly deep but I'm in the shark area (specialist) meaning I have to dive 18ft to search for body and they aren't many staff willing to go to shark area because, the further u get, the colder, darker, murkier, with lot of fishes down there and there is much more compression to breathing, the oxygen gauge quickly runs out. Its scary how number time I nearly choked as I realised how far it is to get back up to surface again. It's not like swimming in the pool breathing technique, it's actually frightening how quickly it runs out.

Trooper the dog who kept us entertain during our American Red Cross training, only 8 months old boxer. 

Brand new lifeguard top after qualifying, a week of training.

Breakfast is considerably full of carbs, cereal, waffles, pancakes, maple syrup, coffee cakes, muffins. Hardly any protein so looks like six pack will have to be put on hold for now 😜

On our day off, we visit Miami beach, lots of bikers there. And lots of different police cars, not all are the same, think this one below was specialist ie FBI or some sort, we saw this as we were leaving. 

View from overnight camp

Me and J on overnight camp late evening.

Cooking to perfection, getting ready for kids, knowing how. Bonding time.

Sunset at waterfront

Original USA school bus, off to beach, mall and baseball game.

Saw security guard in the mall on Segway. 

Abercrombie store selfie

USA anthem song

Our incarnation camp staff at baseball game, awesome time! 

Awaiting for campers to arrive

Blowing bubbles...

Just found out who would be in my tent, I have two strange names Pilot and Ever, Ever was telling me this story how he was given that name, his mum was watching the film and the ending came up 'forever and ever' and decided to name him Ever. Wow, it's always nice to hear how this came into details. I didn't ask what was the movie was or ask pilot how he got his name, I'm sure it will be a ice breaker chatting tomgirls. Oh another thing, Pilot was such a hit with ladies, one night we had our unit nights with other girls unit, which was a dance night. Pilot and Ever are cuties, poor Pilot didn't know to control girls as they were grabbing him all directions for a dance with him. The girls was ratio of 3:1 guys so not many boys for the girls. Desperation ran everywhere that night looking to for someone to dance, we had a lot of boys standing against wall, really scared getting close to the girls. I don't recall girls doing that at that age.

Myself attempting play tennis.

England vs Italy game, after that we lost the rest was snore. 

I'll be now posting posts about my Christian journey at incarnation. I don't think I realised how hard it is when there's no one supporting you or a friend to lean on (apart from my fellowships back home in Belfast and London). Something awesome had happened couple weeks ago and that's shows when u prayed to God with faith He will answers to your prayers. I'm so excited to share u this what He done...Watch out soon, peace out! 😊


Saturday, July 5, 2014

Incarnation Camp - Journey so far

Hey guys, 

Thought I start making a short informative blog from using my newish swanky iPhone. I really want to encourage myself to spread good news and also show what God has done for me and others at camp rather than keeping in my journal or sharing news to my close friends via whatapp. I thought what would be best sharing the good news via blogging of course! That way everyone can see including my family and friends back home. Incarnation camp is not a faith camp so the choice of me going there would be somehow challenging but I was definitely up for the game. After studying bible college in Belfast for last 2 years and being around with generally lots of Christians friends and in the deaf communities, I kinda forgotten and lost myself into that Christian bubble so coming here is definitely eye opener and people not knowing or personally know Jesus and the gospel itself. And without the likes of my Christian friends beside me is going to be a lot harder than I originally thought it would be. I think personally my aim coming away from camp that knowing that they have personally or knowledge about God. I don't want just come away with experience of good adventure for myself but experiences of God's working in them and setting firmly in that place. 

Galatians 2:20
20 I have been crucified with Christ and I no longer live, but Christ lives in me.

I'm coming up to 4 weeks here in USA, first 2 weeks trainings including American Red Cross training. I'll compress what I have been upto since then.

See below some of photos πŸ˜„πŸ‡ΊπŸ‡Έ Enjoy!

Myself leaving Belfast City Airport

Meeting other group of people going same camp at London Heathrow airport. 

Spending night and day NYC 

My friends I met at hostel in my room, they thought it was hiralious but already seen that sign few years ago, when u seen it once, it is enough πŸ˜‰. Signs are now everywhere among homeless people. It's popular signs as they know that tourists will give for their honestly.


Incarnation Camp Chapel 

1st week full on training - American Red Cross 

Most beautiful lake stretching two miles long, above the lake was freezing temperature, start of June, it was raining all that week and tempature of 15. I was in there for 1 and 30 minutes, I was already shivering within first ten minutes. We had to practice the neck, spinal injury in the correct way. Others was involving reaching 18ft deep in the water to grab soil from bottom, rescuing person from deep end, CPR, first aid etc. 

Chat soon! X